Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 13 - walnutburger

Nothing special today... a bit hungery after the flush-fast yesterday so I made some delicious chia porridge. I usually put it in almond milk but as I forgot to soak some last night, water had to due and that was ok too. I topped it with a fresh smoothie and some flax seeds. And then it took me like an hour to eat. It is funny how slow you start to eat when on lifefood. You just don't want to rush anything and as I have all the time in the world right now I can eat as slow as I want and I like it. Maybe they should call it slow food.

For dinner I made a mixed veggie soup with some quinoa and a flax cracker. After the meal it felt like my stomach was in a knot on my down right side. I think the quinoa was too heavy/hard to digest for my stomach just a day after the flush or maybe it was a humongous liver stone trying to get out! Well that thought did go through my brain at the moment. But I laid down, did a castor pack and everything calmed down.

I also prepared the walnutburgers tonight as they have to dehydrate for 20 h. So for tomorrow dinner time they will be ready. They were easy to make and I hope they will taste as delicious as they smelled. And I hope I will be able to digest them easily (I'll make sure to chew some extra:).

Today I also did not have to take any more olive oil and thank God for that! (I usually took 12 tbs/day).

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