Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Teaching English

I feel bad because I have not been writing on my blog for so long. A lot of things happen all the time here and I want write down all of it but then I do not have a laptop or the internet is down when I finally get my butt over to the internet cafe. But anyhow I am here now :)
For the last week and a half I have been teaching English for grade 7 at Chicale primary school. First I only wanted to be the teacher's assistant and for two days I was sitting in on classes and helped the teacher Daniel mark the exercises for Mathematics and English. But already on the second day after the first lesson the class teacher asked me or more like told me "so tomorrow you can teach the class". I was like eeehhh...hmmmm... sure. What do I need to teach? He gave me the teacher's guide for English and showed me the exercises the kids are supposed to do and so it started. I have now been going to school every morning teaching for 2 hours. Grade 7 (or Standard 7 as they call it here) is divided in two classes 7A & B and there is about 35 kids in each class depending if all come to school or not. So while I teach one class the other one is either on break or are being thought Math by the class teacher Daniel. I would not be able to teach both classes at once as they sometimes have to do. It would be just too noisy and too crowded. The kids then have to sit on the floor as not enough space to it at a desk. So know when I do one class at a time it is ok. The kids are aged from 11 to 15 depending on when they started school (which should be at age 6) or if they had to redo a year, which is very common. The kids do love to learn but they are also just kids who love to talk and not pay attention. My kids are pretty good though and when the teacher talks the kids are quit... most of the times. The good thing is the other kids also tell the others to be quit, which is very nice and if someone does anything bad they all point fingers to that one... all what can I say, they are just kids.

So I teach them grammar, explain words and we read through chapters in their English books and do exercises together. Some student are brilliant while other can barely read and write in English. I have been giving extra classes to one of those students. Here name is Mercy and I had to start teaching her the basics of the ABCs and how to read English and write. She is suppose to come every day to my hostel for 1h but for example yesterday she did not show up. Maybe tomorrow she will come.

I spend about 3 hours at the school in the morning and then I have the rest of the day off. Except for when I have to mark their homework, which took me about 3h yesterday! Geez. That's why they did not get any homework today! LO

Besides volunteering I am also enjoying Nkhata Bay. This place is truly beautiful and the best place to just relax, enjoy and read a book. I go swimming every day (I also sweat as he** every day). I enjoy good food, for example today I will have some delicious bata fish fresh from the lake. I hang out a lot with Kelvin the rastafari at his local restaurant and we have some very good discussion about life, while enjoying his spectacular view of the lake. Once a week there is also a big party that the locals and the travelers go to. I meet a lot of other backpackers and hear stories about their African trip and suggestions on where to go. I could already write half a book about that.

I also moved to another hostel or backpacker lodge. Now I am staying at Mayoka Village Lodge, a beautiful beautiful place right next to Butterfly Lodge, where I stayed the three first weeks. Here is a link to Mayoka It is owned by a lovely mid-aged couple from South Africa and England and they also offer volunteer programs. Mayoka is a place where you can stay for weeks. So if anybody wants to visit me you are most welcome and trust me, you will love it!

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