Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 11 - Feeling lighter

While walking outside during sunset tonight I noticed how much lighter I feel. I can move my body more easily, it is easier to jump, to hunch and to do a sun salutation. I have lost some weight (3-4kg) but I think I have lost more than just weight.

I have had a stiff lower back for 3 years now since I strained my back cleaning the (damn!) bathtub. When I've done yoga and pilates twice a week it has been much better but lately for the last year it has been very stiff.... really bad actually... feeling like an old granny in the morning when getting out of bed. Stretching and pelvis rotations help a lot and of course dancing (which I love love love to do!).

And then today during my walk I noticed how much lighter my lower back feels. I could move up and down, side to side without pain. I could only feel a slight tension. I jumped up and down and tried to feel the pain find it where is it? But it was gone, at least in that moment.

I haven't done any yoga during this detox... actually not too much exercise at all.... some biking and lifting my 14 kg nephew...

So I believe that either eating lifefood, being on this detox or having got rid of a lot of garbage in my liver/gallbladder/intestines has improved my lower back pain.

Now when I feel more flexible I also feel more motivated to do some yoga. Maybe yoga will take away the last bit of tension. Let's find out! :)

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