Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 7 - half way!!

Cannot believe I am already half way on my detox. 14 days felt long the first couple of days. My body is also getting more used to this detox and behaving like it should - 4 stools a day!! Yeeei! Never been happier about having stools. LOL!

Everything is just more on routine now. It is easier as well to make the food and it goes faster. And it tastes better as well! The fridge is full of colorful veggies and fruit. There is always some seeds or nuts soaking so I am always prepared. I love the almond milk and so easy to make!

Here is a picture of what I made for dinner. It is a vegetable soup, topped with avocado and rosemary and a flax cracker with sauerkraut and avocado. The mixed soups are great, not even heated, which I find ok as it s summer and warm outside. But during the winter I would probably heat it to 40'c. The flax crackers were also easy to make and I love having something bread looking to eat as I still miss bread a bit.

These bags (left pic) are what I call "Dr Jubb's magic medicine", i.e. powders that I need to take 4 times a day. I have four different kinds: Lifecolloid (has 50,000 bacterias), Earthmate (vitamin C, antioxidants, niacin, medical mushrooms and hearbs), Bluemate (oxygen, magnesium, humics, fulvics) and Wildzymes. In addition I take epsom salt, baking soda, olive oil, castor oil and drinking lemon juice, apple cider vinegar juice, ginseng tea, green tea and of course food (smoothies, soups and flax crackers). It is quite a lot to take all of it as you take each thing four times a day. Or the hard thing is to remember to take all of it, that's why I have my schedule I follow otherwise I would be totally lost!

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