Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A New Adventure Lies Ahead

Time has come for a new adventure for Anette. But this time I am not going to go diving in the Caribbean sea or climbing the mountains in Chile, instead I am going inwards, deep inside to my inner stomach cells to say Hello! What’s up! Time for change!

But why?

Two weeks ago I stared eating raw food as that was part of the meal deal when volunteering at the Raw Life Festival at Ängsbacka in Sweden. The festival was about raw food lifestyles and the mind, body and soul stuff, which included 7am morning yoga, dancing around the bonfire, raw food demos, lifefood workshops, nature walks and a lot of gourmet raw food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The raw food part was a totally new world for me with tons of new information about and insight in how food affects us and what we can do about it.

I already did consider myself a healthy eater; no coffee, not so much alcohol, no smoking, meat once in a while and only lactose free dairy. But I knew I had two or three main addictions; sugar, bread and yeah cheese of all kinds! However, I had never really been tested on these addictions until I was only fed raw food for a whole week. It turned out I had a lot of cravings for sugar after each meal and cravings for bread in between and if I saw cheese, I would jump on it! After a couple of days I could state that it was easier to cut out the sugar than the bread. And the cheese, well I just had to simply forget about that and cancel, clear, delete it out of my head.

During the festival we had a superb gourmet chef (Boris from Berlin) that made us gourmet meals all day long. We had everything from raw pizza to hamburgers to cheese cake. Don’t ask me how they made it but it was delicious and everything was raw! But I have to confess that my taste buds did not like all the dishes, like the bitter salad smoothie and some of the dressings. In the beginning it was also odd not to get a single warm meal during the day but as it was summer and +25’c outside it didn’t bother me so much. And you could always have a hot cup of tea with some honey. Anytime!

My stomach was in a state of shock the first couple of days. It was making funny noises, I looked somewhat pregnant as I got bloated and strange stuff came out and hmmm the smell was not like Chanel’s perfume. I think you get the picture.

The good part was that I was not doing this alone. We were about 200 people of all ages sharing this experience at the festival, some were raw fooders, some meat eaters, some vegans and some like me (a mix of everything). Some ate 100% raw and some 70%. We were told that each body is different and that you need to listen to YOUR body.

Mine was of course screaming for bread and potatoes but I knew better not to listen to that and after a couple of days it was starting to whisper for blueberries and later on cheering for the uncooked chia porridge, the tasty pesto on a salad leaf and the yummy coconut butter. Who knew raw food could be so tasty?!

What inspired me the most at the Raw Life festival were the workshop speakers, such as raw fooder Erica Palmcrantz, Kate Magic, Dr. Bertil Wosk, Sören Wolff, and last but not least the controversial Dr. David Jubb.

Dr. David Jubb is indeed a character getting the audience attention with his shaved pony tail head, short cut shirts and his beautiful songs on his Peruvian looking flute. He was also the one having most workshops and food demos. He was taking things a step further and instead of talking about raw food, living food and super food, he was promoting lifefood, which was something completely new to me. I mean, I had barely heard about raw food and now this guy was talking about lifefood. I felt so behind as most people seemed to know about this dude already. So I started to listen to what this Doctor had to say and take some serious notes.

What I learned is that lifefood is all natural food that can be found in nature and still contains energy. It is basically raw food (with a couple of exceptions), all super food, food that is uncooked and contains no runaway sugars and food that has not been man-made such as potato, carrot, and corn. The main point was that what we as humans need to eat is energy and that we can find this energy in what Jubb calls Lifefood. And the best way to start this new life is to do a 14 day lifefood detox to prepare the body for the new you.

Aaaah detox, I thought. Something I had never tried before but been thinking about for some time and now during this workshop it just came to me that THIS is something I need to try. This is it! This is the time! All shit needs to get out! And with a preparation of two weeks of raw food this would be the perfect time to do it and it cannot be so difficult, right?

So this is what my new adventure is about, a David Jubb’s 14 day lifefood detox.

In preparation, I took a private body consultation with Jubb after the workshop and I got a full remedy for my detox.

I’m happy to confess that I feel inspired and are ready to go! So, let’s do it!!

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