Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 12 - last flush!!

I am so excited that today was my last flush!! I do not exactly dislike it but I do not love it either. The flushing itself is ok but I really do not like drinking the olive oil...I wish there was something else one could do than to drink a huge glass of oil. Anyhow I took on the same strategy as last time... I took it easy in the morning, did some castor packs and took the daily "magic powders" and then thought about what to clean this time during the "sip-the-oil" hour.

I can proudly present my super organized kitchen... all drawers, cupboards and shelfs got super organized, arranged and tidied. Maybe I should drink oil more often, what a super clean place I would have!!

The enema went soso.... as soon as it got in it wanted to get out... oh well I thought, the body knows best. But I feel great though. I am doing a castor pack right now on my stomach and it is really a good idea to just rest after doing a flush as I do not have much energy. I will also not eat anything today just as I did last, to avoid any vomiting... and I know now I can be without food for 37h!

When doing a flush emotional things can come up, things that you have been holding on to, past stuff. Things that come to the surface and wants attention. And this time memories came to me from my early teenage years when I was around 14. I had problems in the mornings to eat and I often had to go (run) outside and get fresh air to calm myself down not to vomit. I just could not eat any breakfast... usually I forced myself to eat at least one sandwich. I would feel cold, shake a bit and this feeling of yuak-and-about-to-vomit in my stomach. Today I had the exact same feeling. So I went into the feeling and asked myself what it was all about.

I started remember being nervous about 7th grade in high-school, the older cooler people, that I did not want any extra attention and just blend in and not to stand out in the crowd and be the center of attention. I did not have the self-confidence of standing up for myself and be proud of who I was and see the beauty that I had.

I tried to release all the feelings I felt and forgave myself and all others that needed forgiving. The matter might look small today but back then it was everything. I strongly believe that we hold on to memories in our body and that they are stored in our cells and it comes a point in our life when we need to release them to be able to move forward.

I would strongly recommend reading The Journey (Resan) by Brandon Bays if you want to release things. OR do a flush! :) Just be open and it will come to you.

Being on my 11th Day I am really looking forward to Day 15 when I can start living normal again! Yesterday I found the hamburger recipe we had at the festival. So I will celebrate by making raw hamburgers!! Only 2 days to go and no more oil after today!!! Hurray!!